Garrison Publishing: Illustrated military history: Books, graphic novels, comics, posters Illustrated military history
Books, graphic novels, illustrations, posters.
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Managing Editor Lamont W. Harvey




Illustrated military history:

Landscapes and Paintings

3D models

Medical Graphics

Invisible Soldiers

Baltimore artillery

Civil War gallery

Gettysburg gallery

World War II gallery

Historical illustrations

Nature illustrations

Military graphics

Museum Graphics .........................
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Civil War gallery: Gettysburg

Starting with the 135th anniversary of the battle at Gettysburg in 1998, I did a series of posters and illustrations for Mid-Atlantic battle reenactments.

The first was a series of three oil paintings with accompanying info for each day of the Battle of Gettysburg. The graphic won an award from the Maryland Delaware District of Columbia Press Association, for what its worth, and the poster was reissued 2005 by the Baltimore Sun.

-- Lamont W. Harvey




Click here for more Civil War illustrations
